On 28th August Dick qualified as an Instructor in Physical & Recreational Training.
Letter posted on Thursday 29th August 1940
‘K’ Company
6th Bath. (HD)
Dorset Regt.
My darling Chotie,
Thanks for the letter. As you will see from above, I am now at Bemerton again, and don’t I know it. I arrived here this afternoon to find that ‘G’ company, to which I was attached, has now moved to Dinton, to take the place of ‘D’ who are at Dorchester. I’m just about fed up as I haven’t a friend in the place now, in fact, apart from the C.S.M.I.*, I don’t know a soul.
Yet another calamity, even greater. There’s a certain Major here, who is doing his best to stop all week-end leave. I asked the C.S.M.I. if there was any chance of a pass this week, and his reply was not encouraging. He said he’d do what he could, but could promise nothing.
I am however putting in for seven days leave, in a few weeks time, ie. after my three months is up. This should be successful, unless of course all army leave is cancelled, which action seems rather imminent. Not a very cheerful outlook I’m afraid.
But still, darling, even this ---- army can’t stop me loving you, and after all, that’s all that matters.
I heard to-day that Tom was buried when bombs fell close to him at Warmwell. Apparently he’s OK, but I have heard nothing definite.
Incidentally, it’s a good thing I didn’t try to come on home last week-end, as everyone who went was caught, and put on a charge. I think they were all reduced to the ranks. Rather a close shave.
Well, bye bye for now darling,
Your devoted
*C.S.M.I. = Company Sergeant Major Instructor
From the end of August to October 1940
Dick was in ‘K’ company of the 6th Bath & Dorset Regiment
based at Bemerton, near Salisbury, in Wiltshire.
© Chotie Darling, 2010
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