Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September 1940
My Darling Cho,
I’m endeavoring to write this in ‘The Rising Sun ' a notorious pub in Salisbury. There's a hell of a row on here. The place is full of Uniforms of every description, Polish etc. I don't suppose you'll be able to read this. This is my first evening out for over a week.
I have however some encouraging news this time. I saw the Major a few days ago. He’s going to recommend me for a commission in a month’s time. That is of course, to see the Colonel. If I pass him, I'll be OK. The trouble is, however, passing the Colonel.
As you probably know, all leave has been cancelled. I can't even get a Sunday pass. I'll let you know however, if there is any change.
How terrible it seems, Darling. You're so near and yet so far. I'm dying to see you again, if only for a few minutes. It's just impossible to say how much I miss you, Chotie - but I think of you all the time. I'm afraid I love you too much to express myself in words. I hope you can understand and realise Cho.
And I'm not tight (yet...). I hope to be, however, in an hour's time. I shall be flat broke by Monday as usual -- we always are.
I'll write some more tomorrow, which I hope will be a genuine day of rest.
Sunday afternoon.
Du Rose & myself are in the tent at the moment, it’s raining, and we have the afternoon off. We are endeavoring to recover from last night's spree, having had a hell of a hangover this morning. We had to go to Church Parade at 9 o'clock this morning, which was rather a blow to us as everything has to be just so. We managed it, however, without passing out.
As you may know, all soldiers have to be in billets or barracks by the 30th inst - which means to say we have to move by next week. There has been a lot of talk lately of Southampton. This would, I think, be preferable to this place, as there is a little more life and what is much more important, I should be nearer home.
I only hope leave will be resumed soon. I'll be able to get my seven days then.
I'm afraid I've nothing more of any interest darling except that I still love you all that's possible. I hope you're being a good girl whilst I'm away. Eric and I have sworn oaths never to look at another girl. He has a Jean in Birmingham.
Well bye bye for now Darling.
God bless you and keep you safe until I can come and look after you again.
Your adoring
© Chotie Darling, 2010
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