Letter posted on Friday 18th October 1940
My Darling Chotie,
Thanks for the letter which I've just received, and also the snaps enclosed.
It's wonderful to hear from you again, as it seems ages since I saw you. It's funny to think that in reality it's only a few days. It's just impossible to tell you how much I really do love you and how much I miss you.
I think that being away most of the time has made me realise this more than ever.
Well, Darling I had to break off there rather abruptly and am continuing here on Friday afternoon. I've just been paid, exactly £1 - no more or less.
I saw Mr Lawson (2/Lt) who is my present platoon Commander about being transferred back to duty - ie packing up P.T. He's going to speak to Mr White about it. It's the only way if I am to take a commission eventually. It will probably mean giving up my last stripe but I'd willingly give up both to get back to the ranks.
Eric + Pete came back last night with the advance party. It brightened me up a lot as I missed them both.
I get on very well with almost everyone here, but when I tell you that all the members of the tent I'm in charge of come from Borstal you will understand that one has to be careful, to say the least, in choosing friends!
Well, Honey Bunch, there is, as usual, no news. Pete & Eric send best wishes etc. Clive has gone on 48 hours leave this weekend, and Eric is wangling for 7 days.
If we're still here next weekend as I expect we will be, you must come out to Salisbury. I expect I can get Sunday off if I tell them my fiancée is coming over to see me!
I must close now Darling as I have to parade my platoon for tea.
tout à toi*
your adoring
* “All yours”
© Chotie Darling, 2010
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