Letter posted on Thursday 5th December 1940
Chippenham, Wilts
My Darlingest,
I must write to let you know that I'm afraid I won't be able to get home this weekend. We're moving and consequently my pass has been cancelled. It was a hell of a blow Darling, just when every thing seemed so rosy. Don't be too disappointed Sweetheart, I’ll be home the week after, one way or another.
I don't yet know where we're going to. One hears so many rumours that you simply can't believe anything you hear. I have every reason to believe however, that the move will be local. I only hope so.
At present, I'm in the Y.M.C.A with Eric who’s writing to Jean. He arrived back from leave three days overdue, but with customary brilliance got off the charge.
I was amazed to learn from Eric last that he’s 22! I always understood that he was 18! No wonder he's fed up and after a transfer.
Clive Gammage, one of the gang, reverted at his own request, (i.e. handed in his stripe) yesterday. He got so utterly fed up, that he felt justified in doing so.
I must tell you Darling, that I went to the office on Friday last to revert, but the new CSM wouldn't hear of it and went all fatherly towards me. Perhaps it was because I'm the youngest Cpl. in the Battalion now. One of us is crazy, and I feel all right.
Well, Darling, I must close here,
All my love
© Chotie Darling, 2010
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