Fort Brockhurst
My Darling Chotie,
In reply to yours of the 23rd inst.*, etc! Thanks very much for same. As you probably know, I had a P.O.** from Chris Higginson, - very welcome as I was completely “skint” (broke), it being a Thursday. However, I've been paid since then, which improved matters somewhat.
So Brinner's not doing anything yet. I can't say it surprises me. If only he'd get in the Fleet Air Arm or the Navy or something like that he'd probably be a bit happier - at least he'd have something to moan about. I think he'd do well in that line - he's the type.
How did Norman appear to be getting on? He's probably got used to it by now. It's the devil at first in anything.
Likewise was I amused at your Russian*** descent (?)! Just wait till I get my next leave - you'll go through the mill then...
I don't know when it will come off but my three months will soon be up. Leave isn't going too well at the moment, but may recover.
This course looks like going on forever. I'm expected to lecture about twice a day - to the 2 Lance Corporals and the Sergeant! - and me a mere private. The worst part of it is the Sub. 2nd Lieutenant Chase always comes to me when he's going to give a lecture, so he'll have something to talk about! However, “Truth will out”† as someone once said.
This writing paper is rather more like blotting paper. The price of paper is atrocious these days. Would you write to ‘the Times’ about it, Darling?
I thought the “Derrick” episode had finished, but it appears to be flourishing again. Everyone appears to have lapses except us. I wonder how we do it.
I love you so much that nothing else matters at all - everything is so insignificant. I wouldn't care if I was doing detention or “Jankers††” or anything. I've still got you to think about and dream about. I'm really the luckiest soldier in the world. There's only one Chotie and I've got her all to myself (I hope...).
There goes ‘Lights Out’ Honey, so I'll write some more tomorrow.
Darling, thank you lots & lots for the present received this morning†††. It's lovely, and just what I wanted. Some rat relieved me of my razor on Saturday, so you can imagine just how welcome it was. All the same I don't think you should do it as you work hard enough as it is, without spending money on me. That isn't a crack Honey, really, - I'm quite in earnest.
I've had a terrific surprise, Honey. Someone turned up last night - someone I hadn't seen for ages - Eric! He limps a bit, but apart from that he's fine. I've never been so surprised my life. I never thought he'd be back in the army. So now we're at it all over again.
I've just come in from laying a minefield - we've got to practice this in the Intelligence Section. Apparently there's a minefield not far from here - and we're expected to go and disconnect the charges ... what a life.
Well, Darling, this will have to be all for now, as I have to go to Spanish in a few minutes.
Bye, bye, Darling,
and thanks once again,
All yours
* Latin abbreviation of ‘instante mense’ = “this month”
** P.O. = postal order (money)
*** Dick and Chotie appear to have used ‘Russian’ as a euphemism for intimate matters.
† Shakespeare gives Launcelot these words in ‘Merchant of Venice’ 1596 but they were used in Old English by the monk John Lydgate’s in his 1439 ‘Life of St Alban’.
†† ‘Jankers’ – official military punishment for a minor offence. In World War II usually meant being confined to barracks under a regime of punishment parades, inspection and tasks.
††† 28th July 1941 was Dick’s 20th Birthday
© Chotie Darling
29th July 1941 – the Reconnaissance Corps adopt the badge Dick later wore – an upwards-pointing spear flanked by two lightning bolts designed by Trooper George Jones. (From ‘The British Reconnaissance Corps in World War II’ by Richard Doherty, Osprey Publishing 2007)
31st July 1941 - the Nazis prepare to implement 'The Final Solution’ for the extinction of the Jews in German held territory (the Holocaust) . Over one million Jewish children were killed in the Holocaust with approximately two million Jewish women and three million Jewish men. Yizkor.
1st August 1941 – US stops oil supplies to the Axis powers.
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