Chotie Darling
Dedicated to the memory of my mother and all those who hold the forever young of war in their hearts.
Part 2 Reconnaissance
Chapter 7 43rd Reconnaissance – the beginning of the end
Dick continued in the 43rd Reconnaissance Regiment, in the Mortar Troop of HQ Squadron, until March 1943.
In November 1943 43rd Recce were stationed at Dover.
Tuesday 10th November 1942
Same Address
My Darling,
It's not often I'm able to reply to your letters as soon as I receive them, but this is an exception - so here goes.
Prepare for a shock. I went to the old place and met Monica* on Sunday last. Quite honestly, I didn't go with the intention of seeing her - I went really to see the old school** and finding myself with more time than I expected to have, I caught the bus on. Even then I hardly thought of going to see her, but having met several people there, I thought I'd better call in, as I feared she would have been rather hurt had I not done so.
However, in the end I did call, - and needless to say, her husband was there. Monica met me with surprise rather than pleasure, I fancy - her husband with pointed displeasure.
I offer two reasons from Monica’s frigidness (sorry, frigidity!) (a) she is in the eighth month of pregnancy, which may have caused her some embarrassment, and (b) she may have resented my calling when her husband was there. Well,
anyhow I left after an hour or so, and was much relieved to do so.
Paul (Monica's brother) came in - he's improved vastly, but Monica has definitely taken a turn for the worse. I'm taking into account her expected childbirth, but she looked nearer thirty than twenty to me. She has not married well. I had expected to find her husband a man of more intelligence than I could give him credit for, at first meeting.
However, this is now a closed Chapter, so I will say no more on the subject.
I was rather surprised to hear of your expected "change of employment"**. I should give the matter considerable thought before making any decisions. I realise fully that is a rather trite phrase, nevertheless, learn mark and inwardly digest. Whatever service you decide to go into, or what service you get thrown into (!), I advise stating definitely what 'job' you wish to do. By this I mean, don't sign-on for 'General Duties'. I hate to think of what you might be doing at the end.
Well, my Dear, and how are you these days? I seem to ramble on and on without ever getting anywhere.
I ran a five-mile cross-country yesterday and had a fifteen mile route march today. I got a couple of bob for the cross country but nothing alas for the route march. However I got most of the afternoon off, so can't grumble.
(I'm listening to the Brain's Trust at the moment which may account for this rambling...)
The news is brightening up it seems. The importance of command in Libya cannot be over emphasised as it means command in the Mediterranean which will we hope lead to the elimination of Italy as an Axis Power. Also, of course, Turkey, who is at the moment just sitting on the fence, may throw in her weight on our side when she sees which way the tide is turning.
I may get my next leave in Early December, but of course this is looking rather far ahead. We shall have to see what happens. I hope something turns up as I can't envisage the prospect of leave without you being there.
Well, My Darling, I can't think of anything else, so will close here.
Have read a few books lately: "Ladybrook" by Eleanor Farjeon I rather enjoyed, Robert Burke's "The Book of the Inn", a collection of what every famous writer has said about pubs.
Must close here
All my love
PS. Love you very, very much, Chotie Darling. XXXX
*Dick's ex-girlfriend
**Dick attended Sidcup County School (now Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School) from 1931-35 and the Simon Langton School, Canterbury 1936-38.
** *Chotie joined the Army Territorial Service in January 1943. She had intended to join the Women’s Royal Naval Service (WRNS, known as the Wrens) because the uniform was more attractive but Army recruitment persuaded her that she’d be working on something very important and top secret (radar).
© Chotie Darling
11th November 1942 – German forces advance into Vichy France “to protect France” against the Allies in Operation Anton (a breach of their 1940 Armistice Agreement). In Vichy French North Africa Admiral Darlan orders a ceasefire with the Allies.
At Stalingrad the German commander Frederick Paulus obeys Hitler’s disastrous order, committing all his panzer forces into a final battle to take the city and leaving the flank of the Sixth Army vulnerable.
12th November 1942 – the second naval battle of Guadalcanal. Over three days America lost two light cruisers but sank two Japanese bettleships, three destroyers and seven transports carrying 6,000 troops to re-inforce those on the Island. By the beginning of December the US Navy controlled all the sea around Guadalcanal.
13th November 1942 - the Allies retake Tobruk, the strategic port on the coast of Libya
15th November 1942- celebration of victory at El Alamein. Church bells ring out for the first time since July 1940 (when an order was given that they must not be rung except as an air raid warning)
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