Postcard – The Legend of the DEVIL’S DYKE* written Thursday 6th January 1944
Pte Chalkley BE
‘b’ Troop ATS OFC
462 Hy (M) Bty AA RA
Markham Camp
PS. Address from memory!
Spending four days here on exercise – weather fine and some glorious views despite the wintry sun. Am writing this in a pub of all places… Still waiting to get some pay, wh ll send you some shekels. Go on a three days French course tomorrow (Friday) in an hotel we stayed at in peace time. Will write you in next few days
*The Devil's Dyke is a beauty spot in the South Downs, near Brighton, now owned by the National Trust.
6th January 1944 – the Russian Army advances into Poland, crossing the border west of Kiev. In Ukraine two German Corps still held the line of the Dnepr to the south and German and Romanian troops held the Crimea. Germany held all of the Baltic Coast to besieged Leningrad and much of Belorussia (although communist partisans were active behind the German lines).
9th January 1944 – Allied troops in the Arakan capture the port of Maungdaw on the west coast of Burma (Myanmar). (From WW2-net Timelines.)
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