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61st Recce Regt RAC
Dearest Chotie,
Well I’m Orderly* Officer again, Darling so here goes.
Received your letter this morning – and very welcome it was. Seems ages since I’d heard from you.
Was glad to hear you’d managed to get home – if only for a short while, and that your little circle are OK. I bet you’re excited about your sister Margaret** – ‘fraid I haven’t any reciprocating news re Diller, and as far as I know Brinner isn’t likely to do anything in this particular line. Though you never know with Brinner. You’ll notice I’m keeping quiet about myself….
There’s simply no news from this end at all. The chances of getting a pass all very thin – too thin to entertain – at present anyhow.
At the moment I’m engaged in the worst part of this Orderly Officer racket – viz. sitting in the Orderly Room (Tent) all the evening and sleeping there at night – during which time I have to pay the Guard a visit – usually at about three in the morning. A particularly thankless job.
I’ve been reading ‘The Bridge of San Luis Rey’ for the umpteenth time. If you haven’t read it yet, I’ll send it on in my next.
It’s been very hot here lately though we’ve had a few showers today which have freshened things all round. I managed to take a party to the local baths (indoor) yesterday and had quite a good swim myself.
I’ve got a little pub teed up here. It’s about three to four miles away cross-country – there’s no other way of getting to it, and I try to get out there whenever I get time off. It’s a very pleasant evening walk and the quality justifies the effort. I’m still running the Squadron though I’ve got a grip on things now and manage to de-centralise most of the work in true Army fashion.
There seems no chance of your leave starting again? I haven’t heard a thing. I’ve no desire to see ours start again as it only means postponing the attainment of our ultimate goal.
I hope you’re still being a good girl, Darling. I’m being very good myself as there exists no opportunity of being anything else….
I think I’d better go to bed now, Darling as I have to be up with the proverbial lark.
Wish you were here with me ….
Goodnight Chotie Dear
*Orderly as a military term means a soldier assigned to attend and perform various tasks for a superior officer.
**Chotie’s elder sister Margaret was expecting her first child.
© Chotie Darling
Chotie's 'little circle':
That night Eric Brewer went absent without leave from midnight to 7.00am. His service record shows he was caught out and fined three days’ pay, possibly by Dick (RW).
(Eric Brewer's Service Record, copyright of Derek Brewer and family)
7th May 1944 – US Air Force launches a 1,500 bomber raid against Berlin. (From WW2-net Timelines.)
On 8th May Eisenhower made the decision that D Day would be on 5th June 1944. The original target date in May had been shifted because of the need to provide sufficient landing craft.
9th May 1944 –With the surrender of the remaining 25,000 German and Rumanian troops the Russians capture the Crimean city of Sevastopol, a major port on the Black Sea. (From ‘The Second World War’ by Antony Beevor, published by Weidenfield and Nicolson 2012)
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