61st Recce Regt RAC
Monday 15th May
Chotie Darling,
Just a few lines to tee up the leave question. I can get next Friday off from 2 o’clock in the afternoon until the same time Saturday afternoon ie. 24 hrs. If this is any good to you will you write back at your earliest? I imagine we could fix up somewhere to stay in the Haunch town*. If something unexpected should turn up and cancel my pass I’ll write you at the earliest possible time.
I’m just about up to my eyes in it at the moment, working from ‘first light’ until it’s dark – and writing this by candlelight in my tent.
No news to tell you of course. I was going to send you a copy of “San Luis Rey”, but I’ll keep it now and bring it along on Friday.
Haven’t heard from Brinner yet – though it’s almost certain he’s at a depot somewhere.
Must close here as I’m falling asleep.
All my love
PS Write instanta!
*Salisbury (The Haunch of Venison)
© Chotie Darling
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