Chotie Darling
Dedicated to the memory of my mother
and all those who hold the forever young of war in their hearts.
Part 4 Only the Enemy in Front
Chapter 11 Normandy
Dick landed in France on 13th June 1944 (D+7)
Dick, Anthony Rampling and the remainder of 61st Recce still in England were supposed to head for France on D3 but the sea was very rough and so they went on D7 (June 13th).
Anthony Rampling tells his story of arriving in France:
"As we prepared to embark they were taking the wounded off the boat on stretchers. The only comfort you got going over was lying on body bags.
We landed on Gold Beach towards late afternoon. There was a hurry to get off the beach. We missed one of the signs to find our regiment and carried on into the countryside." Tony remembers saying to the Corporal: “If we go much further we’ll be at the front line.”
“On D Day part of the regiment went and I went on D7 – originally I should have gone on D3 but in fact of the troop of only four armoured cars two went on D day, two went on D7, which I always thought was a bit weird, splitting a troop of four cars up.
So we met up with them.
We came off the boat on the beaches of Gold Beach and as we came off the boat we should have followed the regimental signs, which we missed, turning left instead of right, going into the country.
By this time the evening was drawing on; it was getting dusk and we parked up cos we were scared of getting too near the front line. There were several Durham Light Infantry chaps milling around us and they gave us a mug of tea each and we sat all night peering out of the armoured car in case any Germans came.”
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