61st Recce Regt, RAc
Sunday 24th June.
Letter No 3.
Chotie Darling,
As I have a few hours of comparative quiet I thought I’d pen (or pencil) you a line or three. Weather here is really wonderful now, as I expect it is with you, - one mass of blue with just a stray white cloud here and there.
I haven’t had a letter from you since the one dated the 12th inst. Not yet one from home either. This mail business is pretty ghastly – I reckon the boat with all your letters on was sunk….
Still enjoying myself here as the people are kindness itself and I’m rapidly acquiring this patois. A few moments ago a peasant woman came into the orchard (which I have to myself) and gave us about a gallon of milk. She wouldn’t take money for it so I gave her a few bars of soap, the real scarcity here. The refugees are a pitiful sight. I’ve seen scores of families with all their remaining belongings in one wheelbarrow. However, they all agree that it is well worth the price they have to pay for this freedom business.
Hope you’re getting these few scanty letters from me – and hope to hear from you again soon. I’ve started numbering these letters to help you keep a check. I believe this is the third I’ve written from France.
All my love, Chotie Darling,
© Chotie Darling
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