8th August 1944 – Eisenhower, Bradley and Montgomery agree on a plan to surround the German front in Normandy with American forces swinging east, south of the Germans to meet the British and Canadian armies at Argentan (south of Caen and Falaise) and close the circle. The move would be a ‘short hook’ (as opposed to a longe envelopment, blocking the Paris-Orleans gap between the Loire and the Seine). (See also Closing the Falaise Gap.)
Patton’s 3rd Army, now advancing rapidly south and east take Le Mans - a major city between Rennes and Paris, south of Argentan.
Vire is finally liberated by US XIX Corps following the failure of Operation Bluecoat.
In China the Japanese Ichi-Go offensive captures Heng-Yang in the in the south of Hunan province from Nationalist troops who had defended the city for more than six weeks. American air-bases at Kweilin and Liuchow (on the south coast of Kwangsi province) are now threatened.
10th August 1944 – with the liberation of Guam all of the Marianas Islands are now in Allied hands. Almost 2,000 Americans were killed in the Battle of Guam but also over 18,000 Japanese.
Angers, south-west of Le Mans, on the River Loire is liberated by the US 3rd Army on 10th August.
Meanwhile 61st Reconnaissance Regiment were preparing for their role in ‘the Short Hook’. Although Eric Brewer was in “Reserve again, taking it easy” on 9th August the next day he “Moved to the River Orne* in Villers Bocage area. Brought in six prisoners.” (from Eric Brewer’s Diary by kind permission of Derek Brewer and his family.)
*east of Evrecy and Aunay-sur-Odon. On 10th August the Allies' front-line across the Orne in Normandy was just north of Thury-Harcourt (liberated 14th August).
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