61st Recce Regt RAC
Wed Aug 16th
Chotie Darling,
Sorry I haven’t written to you before, but I’ve really been very busy and could only manage a Field post-card which I trust you received.
I’ve got a spot of rest now – two days at least. So I’ve started by writing to you straight away.
I’m in the proverbial orchard needless to say, which is full of baby horses and cows – all very pleasant. The calves keep coming up to suck your fingers, though the mares won’t let you get near their respective fillies.
Weather here still keeps pretty good – misty and cool up until about 10 in the morning when the sun breaks through.
We’re in some very lovely country now – more open and rolling, something like the Sussex Downs though more wooded.
I’m still waiting patiently for the rest-camp, being the next officer on the list. This, as I believe, involves three days on the coast with swimming, riding, golf and boating, etc not to mention the chance to browse round the town & cathedral all day. However, we must wait and see.
Had a long letter from Brinner. He’s been officially notified he’s on draft, though he doesn’t know where. It appears it’s not Burma as we feared at first. I’ll probably be seeing him out here before long.
Very nearly had my third bath today – but someone else went instead. I did have my third beer, however which makes 3½ pints since we landed. The last was Bass – very good but only ½ pint.
Sorry to hear you lost your game of tennis. Never having played the wretched game in my life I can’t sympathise.
Hope you didn’t pass out at your anniversary dance – or start singing….
Cheltenham’s quite a pleasant town but like Brighton enjoyed its greatest boom in Regency days. It’s now become the butt of many jokes with reference to retired Colonels, etc.
This new landing in the South* must be a picnic I should imagine. Hope to get down that way eventually – weekend in Nice….
Must close here, Darling as there’s work to do as usual.
All my love, Precious
© Chotie Darling
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