WAR DIARY of 61 Recce Regt RAC October 1944
– Lt Col P.H.A. Brownrigg
Date 1st. Place MILL (south of Nijmegen and Grave, Netherlands)
‘The dawn of another month finds the Regt’s location unchanged. RHQ still at MILL 6545 with “B” & “C” Sqns East of the village and “C” Sqn patrolling the WEST bank of the R. MAAS. The Armd Cs are now the only troops committed and the enemy is remaining quiet.
Orders were received from Division that the Regt is to move tomorrow to the NIJMEGEN area and adv parties from 3rd (Br) Div arrived during the afternoon. Sqns started to thin out during daylight and by 2200 hrs the relief was complete. The relief has been on a generous scale – an inf bn relieving one of our armd c patrols at CUYK 7249.’
According to his diary Eric Brewer was already on his way: “Shifted to Nijmegen. Passed over the bridge the first airborne captured*…..50 of squadron allowed out to Nijmegen so we tossed up but was not lucky.” (From ‘Beaten Paths are Safest’ by Roy Howard, Brewin Books 2004)
*Nijmegen bridge was captured by the US 82nd Airborne and XXX Corps on 20th October 1944.
WAR DIARY of 61 Recce Regt RAC October 1944
– Lt Col P.H.A. Brownrigg
Date 2nd. Place MILL (then) NIJMEGEN
‘Most of the early part of today has been spent preparing for the move NORTH. “A” Sqn are still under comd 69 Inf Bde NORTH of NIJMEGEN and it looks as though the Regt may be complete again before long. The move took place at 1700 hrs and Sqns were in the new locn – SOUTH of NIJMEGEN – by last light. RHQ was est at 702585.
Eric Brewer describes some action on 2nd October: “Attack went in today – Yanks and British. Plenty of fighting going on, also plenty of bombs going over. Shelling and mortar, 4 hrs, heavy, also a few spando active.” (From ‘Beaten Paths are Safest’ by Roy Howard, Brewin Books 2004)
Dick crossed the Maas and moved to south of Nijmegen.
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