WAR DIARY of 61 Recce Regt RAC November 1944
– Lt Col P.H.A. Brownrigg
Date 13th Place WINSSEN
‘Lieutenant P.E.D. BAMPFIELD* joined the unit as Intelligence Officer today from the 42nd Battalion R (Royal?) Tanks. The water level at NIJMEGEN bridge has risen greatly in the last few days. It is believed that the enemy is now in a position to flood ‘the island’ by blowing the dykes on either the River WAAL or NEDER RIJN.’
*later disabled – see supplement to the London Gazette.
Eric Postles recalled the cold and wet: "The weather grew colder and we now wore our tank suits, jerkins and ‘long John’ woolen underpants. Conditions were made worse when the Germans breached the river bank which resulted in wide areas being flooded. Slit trenches were made unusable and wellingtons were provided." (Extract from ‘My War Years’ by John Eric Postles ISO used by kind permission of the author.)
On 15th November Eric Brewer was: “on forward outpost on the River Patrol floating about. Behind us somewhere saw two chaps crawling so we changed our position. Blooming cold tonight – plenty of Spando fire etc.” (From ‘Beaten Paths are Safest’ by Roy Howard, Brewin Books 2004)
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