61st Recce Regt
6th Feb 45
Chotie Darling,
I’m afraid this will be rather a short letter as I’m rather pushed for time. What I must say however, is that I’ve drawn a leave ticket for the 28th February. As things are going it’s more likely to be the 1st to the 3rd of March.
I don’t know what your chances of getting leave are.
I’ve tried to put it back a bit but they won’t wear it. In any case it’s very risky putting it off as I should hate to get killed off before it.
Will you write instant and let me know the form?
All my love Darling
This letter was forwarded to Fort Godwin, Kilnsea, Easington, near Hull
Anti-aircraft ATS, possibly Fort Godwin, Hull
then forwarded again to St Margarets, Sea Lane, Pagham, Bognor.
Dick’s 1945 diary reads:
6 Tues – Left Sintobins’ and met Brinner at Bourg Leopold. Brian Coote, Phil Truman, Bryn and I.
*Bourg Leopold or Leopoldsburg is in Belgium, north of Hasselt, but also near Eindhoven in the Netherlands.
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