Letter written Tuesday 13th March 1945 and embossed ‘THE HOLLIES, COMMERCIAL ROAD, PARKSTONE.’
13th March 45
My darling husband,
I have been hanging on before writing you in case I heard from my unit - but I haven’t so really I am A.W.L.* What an awful wife you have?
Received a letter from your mother yesterday with £1 enclosed from Hilda**. Apparently her husband decided that £2 was not enough for us – don’t forget to thank them, darling. I am enclosing with this a letter and cheque from Rita, some more to add to our little store. Would you endorse it?
I have managed to get you some stuff to take, darling, so tonight I will pack it all up & send it. Hope you get it alright.
Yesterday afternoon, Mary & I were doing some shopping in Poole and who should we bump into but SAS & Johnny Jones. They had just crawled out of 'the Antelope', pretty well gone, and were going to the flicks to sleep it off.
Johnny’s moustache just covered his face – awful. SOS looked pretty smashed up, poor chap, but quite cheery. They thought our marriage was a terrific cause for celebration.
Right now, Mary & I are supposed to be in 'the Sloop' – boozing with them. But really they are shocking types and Mary can’t stick Johnny Jones – never could. We are dreading that they might barge in here or something. God only knows what Mum would say.
Anyway, they both heartily wished us every happiness.
Daddy took Beryl****, Mary & I to the Palace Court, last night. We saw Terence de Marney*** in “The Crime of Margaret Foley” – Quite thrilling, & very well acted.
(The dog has been walking over this.)
Have just washed my hair, so Mary & I are sitting in the garden – it’s quite warm and sunny.
Mummy is shouting about dinner being ready, so I must close.
All my love, darling,
Chotie xx
*Absent Without Leave.
** This letter came from Aunt Hilda of ‘Cairo Cottage’ 14 Broad Oak End, Bramfield Road, Hertford.
***The British actor, theatre director and writer – he was the author, as well as the star, of ‘The Crime of Margaret Foley’.
****Chotie's younger sister
© Chotie Darling
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